News of our vibrant and inclusive spiritual community




Weekly newsletter of

First Unitarian Church of Toledo








Join us for Spiritual Forum on October 6 when we will share our apps! Do you have an app that helps you organize your time? Deepen your spirituality? Find new books and movies? We’ll get together and share the apps that help us enjoy our lives, and maybe have some demonstrations on the large screen. Join us for this fun and interesting discussion!





Happiness Pursued

Rev. Dr. TK Barger


On Sunday, the day before voter registration ends in Ohio and two days before early voting begins, Rev. Tim will talk about the pursuit of happiness while we all get ready for the election.






KIDS’ ACTIVITIES Join us October 6 for our inaugural Cartuuns class! We will watch the Pixar short “Jack Jack Attack” and discuss the characters’ actions and choices. The Cartuuns curriculum promises to be a ton of fun! We will also, as always, have snacks and talk about our joys and concerns. Hope to see lots of friends there!




Thursday, October 3, 7:30 PM – Choir Practice

Friday, October 4, 2:00 PM – Book Club meets*

Saturday, October 5, 11:30 AM – Knit Wits and Fiberwork*

Sunday, October 6:

·     9:45 AM – Spiritual Forum

·     11:00 AM – Service – In Person + on the YouTube Channel

·     12:00 PM – Coffee and Conversation

Tuesday, October 8, 6:30 PM – MultiFaith Meditation via ZOOM*



Saturday, October 12, 10 AM – Fall Cleanup

*see groups and monthly meeting document for more details





Capital campaign team members would like to share with you a status update and a reminder. First, it has been confirmed with the bookkeeper that all paper pledges from the capital campaign have been entered into the books. If you submitted a signed pledge on paper, you should now be able to check with the bookkeeper the amount you pledged and the amount you have paid toward your pledge. A few people sent money labeled for the capital campaign, without a pledge form. That is proving more challenging to track. The current total pledge based on signed pledge forms is just over $311,000. The current total including verbal or email communications is just over $319,000.


Thank you very much to everyone who has already started fulfilling their pledges. If you have not yet pledged, or if you would like to change your pledge, you may do so at any time as the pledges are collected over the next couple of years. REMINDER: if you plan to fulfill your pledge using the RMD, QCD, or other end of year giving option, please check with your financial advisor to be sure that the amount will be paid in this calendar year. Since the check will come to us on your behalf from your retirement account, please send a note to the bookkeeper ( so it is properly credited to either your pledge or your capital campaign pledge.


At the September Board of Trustees meeting, two documents were shared. The first was a proposed Room Naming Policy (see attachment). Once this has been adopted by the board, one of the capital campaign volunteers will be in touch with those who are eligible for next steps.


The second document (see attached) was a proposed schedule of projects based on the projected revenues and the priority order of projects from the focus groups and online survey. Note that the automatic door project can now be expanded and covered by the Security grant, once the paperwork to receive those funds is completed.


The next step is for the Board to determine the best process to complete the projects, as the Board has ultimate control over the expenditures.


As of the September Board meeting, there is over $35,000 in the Capital Campaign fund, so it should be possible to proceed with the smaller high priority projects when the Board and Building and Grounds are ready to go. For the larger projects, there is likely to be a more involved process to help determine the final details.


Stay tuned for more about that over the next several months. If you would like to volunteer to assist with any part of this process, please contact a Board or Building and Grounds member. Or, if you would like to have input on the children’s projects, please contact the RE Council (chair Arun Nadarajah) or Gini Gottman, DLL, or attend an upcoming RE Council meeting.


Thanks to everyone! The Capital Campaign Steering Committee




brown sunflower banner


Tishie Bozeman now resides at Ayden Healthcare (where John Pettigrew also lives.) Both would appreciate hearing from their UU friends. The address is: 4293 Monroe St., Toledo OH 43606.


Tom Titus is receiving dialysis 3 times a week. He would surely appreciate messages of encouragement from his UU friends. His details are in the church directory.


Phyllis Ferguson’ memorial service will be held Sunday, November 3, at 1:30 pm in the sanctuary of First Unitarian Church of Toledo, 3205 Glendale Ave., Toledo OH 43614. A reception in Fellowship Hall will follow.



Our Caring Circle Members are Carla Logan-Mercer, Karen Christie, Phil Zepp, Suzanne Hoffman, Joanne Hartough, Karen Porter, Terry Acocks, Kathy Crowther, Marsha Gamble, Susan Smith, and Rev. Tim Barger. Please contact Joanne Hartough at with any concerns or joys that you wish to share in this column.





Thanks to the eight or so folks who stopped at the Membership brainstorming this past Sunday. The Team appreciated your thoughts and comments. We will be working on analyzing and digesting the results. In the meantime, we are attaching the documents that were shared (same ones as on the table at the Committee Fair):

LINK Mission and Vision Statements as currently stated

LINK Membership Goals as currently stated

LINK What Sounds Like Fun?

LINK Tasks for the Team

We did some multivoting on the Tasks and Fun and we would like to hear from you too: are there items you would add to the Tasks or the Fun lists? What are they? And, if you had two votes, which two items would you want us to prioritize on these two lists? You can email us your answers, or print and write on the papers and bring them to church (Membership has a mail slot).

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Sandra, Susan, and Terry M.




In case you missed it, I conducted a survey last Sunday during the recent Committee Fair to gauge interest in potential new Small Groups in our church. If you missed that opportunity, please look at the attached SURVEY document and send me an email at indicating your interest in joining a new group or in co-organizing a new group.






On Saturday, October 12, 2024, from 10 AM to Noon, the Building and Grounds Committee will be offering free doughnuts to everyone who volunteers for its Fall Clean-up.


The Clean-up involves trimming, weeding, blowing, edging and other yard chores. The more hands, the lighter the work. Due to the average age of the Committee (over 70 years), younger bodies are much appreciated. Come and join the fun!






Plans for the bazaar are in process, and we will keep you updated. We are planning a bake sale, food sale, UU craft table, holiday table, raffle baskets, and possibly a silent auction. The bazaar is one of our major fundraisers and we need lots of helpers! Start thinking about how you can help, and save the dates, Saturday, November 16th and Sunday, November 17th (exact start and end times under discussion). If you have any ideas or questions, talk to Marna (708-738-5096 or or Sandra or, for bake and food sales, please talk to Carla.


Now accepting vendors for the 2024 First Unitarian Church of Toledo Holiday Arts and Crafts Bazaar. Please SHARE THIS LINK WITH VENDORS YOU KNOW. Have them complete and submit



Sandra Kosek-Sills & Marna Slawson, co-chairs




Ongoing Weekly and Monthly Meetings

and Activities

Click THIS DOCUMENT for a fuller, printable description of the activities, location, meeting dates and contact person for each group:


Every Tuesday….Meditation @ 6:30 PM

Weekly AA meetings – see document link for times

1st Friday……….Book Club @ 2:00 PM

1st Saturday…….Knit Wits @ 11:30 AM

2nd Sunday……..Meditation @ 5:30 PM

3rd Saturday…….Film Club @ 1:00 PM

3rd Sunday………Men’s Group @ 5:30 PM

3rd Monday……..Together Women Rise @ 6:00 PM

4th Tuesday …….LGBTQ Online Support Group @ 8:00 PM

4th Wednesday …Blanket Making @ 10:30 AM

4th Sunday………Meditation @ 5:30 PM


Is your meeting not listed? Submit your meeting details at





(from Nature Conservancy Magazine)


A family-owned farm in Colorado has combined growing produce with solar panels. This type of combination is called agrivoltaics, a relatively new and exciting idea that can provide ecological, economic and community benefits. Agrivoltaics is a solution to one of the most pressing issues facing our efforts to transition to clean energy: how to build electrical capacity while minimizing loss of farmlands.

In the future it is hoped that existing solar fields can be retrofitted to allow crops to be grown in combination. There is experimentation to find which forms of solar construction fit best with which kinds of agriculture, as well as grazing, pollination or some combination. A setup that works on a fruit and vegetable farm in Colorado might not fit a cornfield in Iowa. Even small investments of time and money can bloom into large-scale, transformative change.








We will be taking pics before, during and after service, as well as at events, to freshen up our website. But don’t fret, we won’t use anyone’s picture until we get approval from you!




First Unitarian has a Zoom account that includes some features that an individual’s account won’t have, such as the ability to hold two meetings at the same time. Because our account is one for the church, we strongly encourage all committees, groups, and teams that meet remotely to use the church Zoom for their meetings. Reservations can be made through the church office (just like a reservation for a room in the building), and our office manager, Jesse Underhill, can give you the login information, which has changed from what we were using. A preparation step before a meeting is to login during church office hours (anytime Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday between 10:30 am and 2:30 pm) so that your device will be “in the system” for Zoom—it requires unrecognized devices that log in to be verified by the account owner, which is connected to a church email address.

Thanks for Zooming, and using our account (a zUUm one?).



OFFICE HOURS: are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30-2:30 PM. Otherwise, please reach us by phone or email, which will be frequently checked. Thank you.

Phone: 419-381-6999

Office email:,

Bookkeeper email:,

Minister email:




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The weekly FYI is published on Thursdays. The Order of Service is sent on Saturdays.

To submit information for the next UU-FYI, fill out THIS FORM

by Wednesday at noon. Questions about the form or the FYI? Email



UU-FYI Volunteers:

Tina Baker, Joanne Hartough, Susan Spiegel, Marna Slawson


Rev. Dr. TK Barger, Senior Minister

David Strickler, Commissioned Lay Minister

Melissa Jeter, Student Minister/Seminarian

Program Staff

Gini Gottman, Director of Lifelong Learning

Jeffrey Maxie, Music Director

Support Staff

Jesse Underhill, Office Manager

Amalya Hartley, Bookkeeper

Board of Trustees

Julia McGhee, Acting President; Krista Schneider, Vice President;

Geoff Slawson, Treasurer; Wes Kalbus, Secretary;

Joanne Hartough, Ginny Washing and Phil Zepp, At-Large Members



First Unitarian Church of Toledo | | 419-381-6999 |


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First Unitarian Church of Toledo | 3205 Glendale Avenue | Toledo, OH 43614 US


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