Sunday Morning Religious Education for Children
At First Unitarian, we celebrate the uniqueness and importance of childhood and adolescence. We strive to support our young people while instilling them with a sense of purpose and value. Children and youth in our program will learn about Unitarian Universalist history and ideals; information about our Judeo-Christian heritage as well as other world religions; and why we as UUs value social justice so highly.
11:00 a.m. Program
Our Sunday service begins at 11:00. Children begin their Sundays in the sanctuary with the rest of the congregation. This integration encourages children to learn UU church rituals such as our chalice lighting, covenant and hymns. We offer a story for all ages early in the service, after which our children leave with their teachers to begin their class.
Traditionally, our Sunday School classes have focused on teaching the history and real-world application of our Seven Principles. Currently, in order to help our young congregants recover from the isolation of the pandemic, we are focusing on simply building a strong, supportive, loving and fun community. We incorporate UU values into our classroom; we are just, compassionate, accepting and respectful. In this way, we practice our principles and learn how our faith guides our behavior.
Childcare. Nursery care is available for children under the age of five. Our dedicated nursery is cleaned routinely and is filled with age-appropriate toys as well as a crib, rocking chair and sink.