Email from First Unitarian Church of Toledo


News of our vibrant and inclusive spiritual community




Weekly newsletter of

First Unitarian Church of Toledo








On February 23, Phil Teitlebaum and Phil Park-Thomas will conduct an informal closing of their joint Bible series. Previous installments of their series have been jam-packed with information. Do you have questions? Matters you would like to discuss further? Now is your chance for an unstructured conversation and Q-and-A. Hope to see you there!






Rekindling the Chalice of Love and Justice

Annual Social Justice Service

Judy Trautman

February 23, 2025


Creating despair is an enemy tactic. When we despair, we become paralyzed and cannot act. We need to find ways to avoid despair and rekindle the flame of our Chalice of Love and Justice. 

We need to realistically analyze our own strengths and what we can personally do to rekindle the flame and recognize that we are not alone. We need to join with our fellow Unitarians and other Justice friends. 

Our First Unitarian Church has a lot of opportunities for learning about and for doing Social Justice work. Learn how you can help. Together we can make a difference.





KIDS’ ACTIVITIES: On February 23, the kids will continue their CartUUns series with the Pixar short Bao. This short is multi-layered and dramatic, and is sure to lead to an interesting discussion. Also, watch this space for some special events coming in March!




Friday, February 21- Tom Titus services

Saturday, February 22, 11 AM to 1 PM – Social Action Saturday

Sunday, February 23:

·     9:30 AM – Choir Practice

·     9:45 AM – Spiritual Forum

·     11:00 AM – Service

·     12:00 PM – Potluck Lunch


Tuesday, February 25, 12:30 PM – Sunday Services Committee meets by ZOOM*

Tuesday, February 25: deadline to RSVP for World Dining

Tuesday, February 25, 6:30 PM – Meditation group via ZOOM*

Thursday, February 27, 6 PM – World Dining: Carlos Poco Loco


UPCOMING EVENTS (see articles below for more info)

Monday, March 3, 6:00 PM – Blessings of Diversity service



*see groups and monthly meeting document for more details







The 2024-25 Stewardship Campaign and Pledge Drive are up and running thanks to our new friend Jupiter Jetpig. Sadly, church service was cancelled last week and Jupiter did not receive any new pledges at his “pig pen in the lobby”. As co-chairs of this year’s pledge drive, Wendy Debord, Marna Slawson and Jupiter will be waiting in the lobby after service this week to help you complete and submit your pledge and of course, give you your very own “pig” sticker.



Pledge forms are available in the lobby at Jupiter’s home where you can meet Jupiter, pick up and return your pledge form, and receive your very own Pig Sticker upon completion. You can also download a copy here: (CLICK FOR pledge form). The pledge form has all the information you will need to decide what you are able to offer financially to the support of First Unitarian. Please complete your forms as soon as you can. The pledge drive runs through March 16th but don’t wait, we will be making reminder phone calls and mailing out forms to those who have not submitted their forms by week 3. If you would like to talk to a steward, please let us know. We would be happy to sit down with you and answer any questions you may have.

“Together, we can make pigs fly!”

Marna and Wendy



The ministry of our church is “centered in love” but also depends on generosity during the annual stewardship campaign. “Jetpig” is an acronym chosen by the UUA to remember the values inherent in our liberal religion. J for Justice, E for equity, T for transformation, P for pluralism, I for interdependence and G for generosity, all of which are centered in love as shown in the logo above.

2025 has started out pretty dark and dismal on many fronts, but as the daylight lengthens, we hope to bring some humor and fun to our weekly Sunday report and shine some light on our uplifting Unitarian values in a way that will, hopefully raise our spirits. And, of course, raise money!

It is most important during these difficult times that we have the funding through everyone’s generosity to continue and perhaps enhance our mission. As Reverend Tim has said “The World will be tough enough, so please continue to have First Unitarian be a place of welcome, of grace, and even of refuge from hard times – and that in this liberal religious community, we can help one another, care for ourselves, and have our part in changing the world.”





It is with sadness that we share the notice that Tom Titus died the morning of Saturday Feb 15th, just 10 days short of his 90th birthday. Tom was a member of this congregation since 1961 and, along with his wife, Carol, sang in the church choir for many years. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to Carol and family.


Tom strove to fight his disease and engaged in treatment that was right for him until it could no longer sustain him.


There will be a calling at Coyle Funeral Home on Friday Feb 21 from 10am -12 pm and a service at 12 pm for those who wish to remain. Cards and messages of sympathy are greatly appreciated.

There will be an additional service held at the Church later in the spring.



Message from Judy Murray:

How do I express my deep gratitude for all your support during the past few weeks as David and I dealt with the death of my mother? Your cards, calls, texts, visits to the funeral home, and attendance at her mass/wake all touched my heart more than you can ever know.

I am in awe of the caring community we have,

Judy Murray



“UUs care! Please continue to communicate your concerns or celebrations with any member of the Caring Circle: Carla Logan-Mercer, Karen Christie, Phil Zepp, Suzanne Hoffman, Joanne Hartough, Becky Hrabovsky, Karen Porter, Terry Acocks, Kathy Crowther, Marsha Gamble, Susan Smith ( and Rev. Tim Barger.


Please contact Joanne Hartough with any concerns or joys that you wish to share in this FYI column.



DID YOU KNOW? Toledo Unitarians help out our community in many ways. When you arrive at the welcome table in the main entry, peek into the foyer behind the welcome tables. You will see collection bins to accept nonperisable food for our little pantry and more!





Vote Forward is an organization that targets likely progressive voters that have been determined to be less likely to vote. They are getting ready to organize letter writing campaigns again, starting with an election coming soon in Wisconsin. If you sign up with them you will receive a list of names and some instructions on how to write the letters. Some of us wrote letters during the elections in 2024, many when letter writing was done during coffee hour after church.


Another way to reach out is to google “5 calls” for an easy way to reach out to your representatives on a variety of timely topics, contact information and sample script provided. If you’re looking for some things to do during these trying times, here are two options.







11 AM to 1 PM


We meet in the Alcott room at church. Look for the yellow box in the foyer behind the welcome table. As weather and needs change, so will items suggested for care packages (aka blessing bags).


Here are some current suggestions for donations: Travel size toiletries such as deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, sunscreen, lotion Disposable razors Wet wipes socks emery boards, bandaids menstruation supplies, reusable water bottles, purses with long straps, small notebooks, pens, postage stamps, envelopes, post cards hats, gloves, scarves, socks, shower shoes


LOOK HERE for examples.

Buy locally when possible! Your ideas, suggestions, enthusiasm, and participation are welcome! Contact Melanie at for more information




will now be happening on Fourth Thursdays, beginning on February 27th…


This month:


1809 Adams Street, Toledo 



Hosted by Susan Spiegel

Please RSVP to Susan by 2/25/25




Note the date is Mondy March 3. Last week’s FYI had a wrong date for this event


The MultiFaith Council of NW Ohio Blessings of Diversity will be hosted at First Unitarian Church on Monday, March 3, at 6pm.


The service, formerly known as Universal Worship, includes representatives of ten faiths who will present readings and music or poetry on the theme The Role of Women in honor of Women’s History Month.


Light refreshments will be served in the entrance hall following the service, which lasts about an hour. These free monthly services reflect our UU value of Pluralism. All are invited to attend.



Ongoing Weekly and Monthly Meetings

and Activities

Click THIS DOCUMENT for a fuller, printable description of the 2025 activities, location, meeting dates and contact person for each group:


Every Tuesday….Meditation @ 6:30 PM

Weekly AA meetings – see document link for times

1st Friday……….Book Club @ 2:00 PM

1st Saturday…….Knit Wits @ 11:30 AM

2nd Sunday……..Meditation @ 5:30 PM until December

3rd Saturday…….Film Club @ 1:00 PM

3rd Sunday………Men’s Group @ 5:30 PM

3rd Monday……..Together Women Rise winter time change to Noon

4th Tuesday …….LGBTQ Online Support Group @ 8:00 PM

4th Tuesday……..Board of Trustees @ 7:00 PM

4th Wednesday …Blanket Making @ 10:30 AM

4th Sunday………Meditation @ 5:30 PM


Is your meeting not listed? Submit your meeting details at






(from The (almost) Zero Waste Guide)


-Ditch the straw (purchase a stainless steel straw and keep with you, or refuse the straw offered).


-Order only as much food as you can eat – order an appetizer instead of full meal, or take a container and take home any leftovers.


-Skip the takeout that often includes plastic bags, styrofoam, plastic utensils and paper napkins.


-Brew your own coffee rather than take-out, putting the grounds in the compost; or if allowed, take your own coffee cup when buying when you’re out.


-Switch to loose leaf teas – many tea bags contain plastic and glue.


-Buy in bulk. Many co-ops and natural food stores offer this. Bring your own containers.


-Steer clear of single-serving packages. Buy large packages and portion at home with silicone zip-top bags or small reusable jars.


-Whenever possible, choose glass or metal over plastic.


-Stash reusable bags everywhere so you’ll never have to accept a paper or plastic bag when shopping.


-Grow your own food – herbs on a sunny windowsill, tomatoes in a planter on a deck if space is limited.


-Eat with the seasons – less environmental impact as food travels less distance. Shop Farmer’s Markets, freeze items when they are in season.





Remember when we wrote letters to voters with UU The Vote last October?

It earned us the title of a Good Trouble Congregation with the UUA. Now that’s good company to be in!




Office hours are normally Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30-2:30 PM. Otherwise, please reach us by phone or email, which will be frequently checked. Thank you.

Phone: 419-381-6999

Office email:,



Snow Policy Banner


Church closings are automatically triggered on a weekday by:

·     Toledo Public schools closings or delay

·     Level 2 Lucas County Snow Emergency

and on the weekends:

·     automatically by a Level 2 Lucas County Snow Emergency

·     or by decision of the Minister or President of the Board






The Board meets monthly on 4th Tuesdays at 7:00 PM

Board meetings are open to all Members of the Church.


Members who are not board members may speak at the board meetings, but may not make motions or vote at board meetings. Members intending to speak at a board meeting shall notify the board president prior to the meeting.


Board meetings are generally held each month with the Bylaws requiring a minimum of meetings six times per year. The board may meet in executive session only to discuss personnel matters, to receive legal advice, or to discuss matters requiring confidentiality. Board Minutes once board approved are available to the Members upon written request.


2025 schedule: Feb 25, Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27, Jun 24, Jul 22, Aug 26, Sep 23





Did you receive this FYI from a friend?

Would you like to receive your own copy? Subscribe here!


The weekly FYI is published on Thursdays. The Order of Service is sent on Saturdays.

To submit information for the next UU-FYI, fill out THIS FORM

by Wednesday at noon. Questions about the form or the FYI? Email



UU-FYI Volunteers:

Tina Baker, Joanne Hartough, Susan Spiegel, Marna Slawson


Rev. Dr. TK Barger, Senior Minister

David Strickler, Commissioned Lay Minister

Melissa Jeter, Student Minister/Seminarian

Program Staff

Gini Gottman, Director of Lifelong Learning

Jeffrey Maxie, Music Director

Support Staff

Jesse Underhill, Office Manager

Amalya Hartley, Bookkeeper

Board of Trustees

Julia McGhee, Acting President; Krista Schneider, Vice President;

Geoff Slawson, Treasurer; Wes Kalbus, Secretary;

Joanne Hartough, Ginny Washing and Phil Zepp, At-Large Members



First Unitarian Church of Toledo | | 419-381-6999 |


See what’s happening on our social sites:


Facebook Twitter  Instagram  Linkedin  



Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for (audience)? Why should they care (benefit)? What do I want them to do (call-to-action)?


Create a great offer by adding words like “free,” “personalized,” “complimentary,” or “customized.” A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like “for a limited time only” or “only 7 remaining!”


First Unitarian Church of Toledo | 3205 Glendale Avenue | Toledo, OH 43614 US


Constant Contact