Email from First Unitarian Church of Toledo


News of our vibrant and inclusive spiritual community




Weekly newsletter of

First Unitarian Church of Toledo








Join us for Spiritual Forum on March 23, when Phil Zepp will discuss the UU tradition of “Guest At Your Table.” Since it began in 1975, the Guest at Your Table program has introduced generations of Unitarian Universalists to our grassroots partners working for justice around the world with your support. This year we are celebrating GAYT’s 50th anniversary with the theme “Expanding the Welcome Table.” Hope to see you there!







Rev. TK Barger


Concluding Rev. Tim’s March series on aging, the 11am service on March 23 is “Lifelong,” appreciating that we continue living, learning, growing, and changing throughout the complete span of our time here on earth.






March Madness continues! Join us on March 23 when we will Watch the World Wake! Our own Dave Murray will join us for a walk around our grounds, pointing out the earliest signs of spring. After our walk, we will enjoy some warm cookies and cold drinks. Hope to see lots of friends there!




Thursday, March 20 – World Dining (but reservations now closed)

Saturday, March 22 – Social Action Saturday meets*

Sunday, March 23:

·     9:30 AM – Choir Practice

·     9:45 AM – Spiritual Forum

·     11:00 AM – Service

·     12:00 PM – Coffee and Conversation


Tuesday, March 25, 11:00 AM – Sunday Services Committee meets by ZOOM*

Tuesday, March 25, 6:30 PM – Meditation group via ZOOM*

Tuesday March 25 at 7 PM – Board Meeting

Wednesday, March 26 – Blanket Making*


UPCOMING EVENTS (see articles below for more info)

Sunday March 30 – Next Potluck

Sunday March 30, 12:15 PM Capek Room – Caring Circle Meeting

Thursday, April 3 – First Thursday Speaker ~ The Toledo Municipal Court with Judge Tim Kuhlman

Sunday, May 18, 2025 – First Unitarian Annual Meeting


*see groups and monthly meeting document for more details





A Big Thank You and A Call to Action!


Wendy and Marna want to thank everyone for the opportunity to make a stewardship pitch for the past few weeks. Along with Jupiter Jetpig, we hope we have made a strong case for the importance of Unitarian Universalism values and the value of pledging to support First Unitarian Church of Toledo, to fulfill our mission of fostering spiritual growth and compassionate action, as we work toward realizing our vision of becoming a vibrant, inclusive spiritual community that achieves growth, visibility and relevance.


Last Sunday, our final Sunday, we talked about the value of generosity, including time, talent and financial support. We have kept this campaign light and lively, but now it is time to get down to business. For last fiscal year, FY2024-25, we received 87 pledges for a total of $202,226. Based on that amount, the Board of Directors put together a comprehensive budget and to date we are right on target having received $118,367.10 as of January 1, 2025, the 6 month or ½ year total. After service last Sunday, we celebrated our congregation’s commitment to financially support the workings of this church. Thanks to Ellen Wisniewski for providing the yummy ice cream from Nedley’s!


First Unitarian has so much to offer to our congregation and our community in these very difficult times. We ourselves are grateful to have this spiritual space and service to come to, or watch on YouTube to feel a sense of community against the disturbing things happening in our country today.


So if you haven’t yet, we are asking for your pledge to be turned in by this coming Sunday, March 23rd. We mailed out forms this past week and we will be making calls to check in with those who have not submitted their pledge form to remind you and see how we can help you fulfill your obligation as a member of First Unitarian Church of Toledo.


You can print a form out here: link to pledge form. After completion, you can mail them to the church, attn: stewardship campaign, or you can email them to


If you need any help, please reach out to us:



And remember…together, we can make a difference in the world and also MAKE PIGS FLY!

Marna and Wendy




Please add this important date to your calendar…


Sunday, May 18, 2025

First Unitarian Annual Meeting

After church


See you there!





Hopefully “warmer weather” will continue to “warm our hearts” as we seek to support each other in our caring congregation. Please continue to notify any member of the Caring Circle of needs or celebration!

Congratulations to Katie and Mac Driscoll who have announced the birth of Charles “Charlie” Samuel Driscoll. Welcome to a Toledo Unitarians baby!


Rev. Tim recently lead a funeral service for Peg Daniels, a lifelong Toledo Unitarian. She was a devoted elementary school teacher in the Toledo Public Schools for over 25 years. She was also an avid crocheter, a dedicated Ohio State University fan, and a loving mother and grandmother. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to her family.


The next Caring Circle meeting is scheduled for March 30th in the Capek Room following the service (and after a swing through the potluck scheduled for that same date). Thanks to each and every member of the Circle who are sharing in this care and support!


“UUs care! Please continue to communicate your concerns or celebrations with any member of the Caring Circle: Carla Logan-Mercer, Karen Christie, Phil Zepp, Suzanne Hoffman, Joanne Hartough, Becky Hrabovsky, Karen Porter, Terry Acocks, Kathy Crowther, Marsha Gamble, Susan Smith > and Rev. Tim Barger.


Please contact Joanne Hartough with any concerns or joys that you wish to share in this FYI column.







NEXT MEETING: Sat March 22

 11 AM -1 PM


Social Action Saturdays continue to be productive. With the change in seasons, we won’t be needing any more cold weather donations. We still intend to make care packages to distribute for other needs. Please donate small hygiene items that can be included in a gallon sized zip lock blessing bag. Meet with us next Saturday 22nd, at 11 AM to 1 PM in the Alcott room.



The next Social Justice Committee meeting will be held on zoom on Wednesday, March 26th at 5:30. If you are not yet on the list to receive the zoom link but would like to join us, or for more information, contact: Cindy Gilmore, or Judy Trautman




is co-sponsored by Unitarian Action. We will have the last speakerfor the winter/spring 2025:


April 3 – The Toledo Municipal Court with Judge Tim Kuhlman


The location is Monroe Street Methodist Church at 3613 Monroe St. Toledo, Ohio 43606. The cost is $5 for the speaker only and $15 for lunch and speaker. Attendees may also bring their own lunch. The program begins at 12 pm.


The Unitarian Action committee is an arm of First Unitarian Church of Toledo devoted to furthering social and environmental justice by sponsoring and partnering with organizations and events that support UU values.




We still have space for more gardeners to take a plot or half a plot. It’s time to start planning and working the areas and planting cold weather crops. We have seeds from Toledo Grows and will be picking up plants from them in May. All we need is a few more people that enjoy working outside, “playing in the dirt”, and harvesting healthy organic produce to eat. Contact Karen Porter or Dave Murray if you are interested or would like more information.



Ongoing Weekly and Monthly Meetings

and Activities

Click THIS DOCUMENT for a fuller, printable description of the 2025 activities, location, meeting dates and contact person for each group:


Every Tuesday ….Sunday Service Committtee ZOOM call at 11:00 AM

Every Tuesday….Meditation @ 6:30 PM

Weekly AA meetings – see document link for times

1st Friday……….Book Club @ 2:00 PM

1st Saturday…….Knit Wits @ 11:30 AM

2nd Saturday……Social Action Saturday @ 11AM-1PM

2nd Sunday……..Meditation @ 5:30 PM until December

3rd Saturday…….Film Club @ 1:00 PM

3rd Sunday………Men’s Group @ 5:30 PM

3rd Monday……..Together Women Rise Solstice time change to 6PM

4th Tuesday …….LGBTQ Online Support Group @ 8:00 PM

4th Tuesday……..Board of Trustees @ 7:00 PM

4th Wednesday …Blanket Making @ 10:30 AM

2nd Saturday……Social Action Saturday @ 11AM-1PM

4th Sunday………Meditation @ 5:30 PM

4th (or last) Sunday…. Potluck after Service


Is your meeting not listed? Submit your meeting details at





From The (Almost) Zero Waste Guide

Eight Benefits of Participating in a Community Garden (+1)

-Access to fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs

-Socialization with fellow gardeners

-Stress relief

-Neighborhood beautification

-Physical activity

-More time spent in nature

-Collaboration and cooperation

-Healthier eating habits

-And one more – helping support hungry people in our community


(Remember, our church garden has room for more gardeners!)





Office hours are normally Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 10:30-2:30 PM. Otherwise, please reach us by phone or email, which will be frequently checked. Thank you.

Phone: 419-381-6999

Office email:,





The Board meets monthly on 4th Tuesdays at 7:00 PM

Board meetings are open to all Members of the Church.


Members who are not board members may speak at the board meetings, but may not make motions or vote at board meetings. Members intending to speak at a board meeting shall notify the board president prior to the meeting.


Board meetings are generally held each month with the Bylaws requiring a minimum of meetings six times per year. The board may meet in executive session only to discuss personnel matters, to receive legal advice, or to discuss matters requiring confidentiality. Board Minutes once board approved are available to the Members upon written request.


2025 schedule: Mar 25, Apr 22, May 27, Jun 24, Jul 22, Aug 26, Sep 23





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The weekly FYI is published on Thursdays. The Order of Service is sent on Saturdays.

To submit information for the next UU-FYI, fill out THIS FORM

by Wednesday at noon. Questions about the form or the FYI? Email



UU-FYI Volunteers:

Tina Baker, Joanne Hartough, Susan Spiegel, Marna Slawson


Rev. Dr. TK Barger, Senior Minister

David Strickler, Commissioned Lay Minister

Melissa Jeter, Student Minister/Seminarian

Program Staff

Gini Gottman, Director of Lifelong Learning

Jeffrey Maxie, Music Director

Support Staff

Jesse Underhill, Office Manager

Amalya Hartley, Bookkeeper

Board of Trustees

Julia McGhee, Acting President; Krista Schneider, Vice President;

Geoff Slawson, Treasurer; Wes Kalbus, Secretary;

Joanne Hartough, Ginny Washing and Phil Zepp, At-Large Members



First Unitarian Church of Toledo | | 419-381-6999 |


See what’s happening on our social sites:


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Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for (audience)? Why should they care (benefit)? What do I want them to do (call-to-action)?


Create a great offer by adding words like “free,” “personalized,” “complimentary,” or “customized.” A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like “for a limited time only” or “only 7 remaining!”


First Unitarian Church of Toledo | 3205 Glendale Avenue | Toledo, OH 43614 US


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