A Green Sanctuary
Being a Green Sanctuary is one of the ways we work toward a vision of healthier, more sustainable future.
As a recognized Green Sanctuary, we live with a deep awareness of our climate crisis and the deep environmental injustices of our time. We commit to four practices, grounded in Unitarian Universalist principles:
- Environmental Justice: We partner with marginalized communities who are hit first and hardest by environmental crisis. In partnering with these communities, we are able to address human and environmental needs at the same time.
- Worship and Celebration: As we work together towards a cleaner, more just and sustainable world, worship inspires our work and reminds us of what is most sacred and most true.
- Religious Education: Our workshops and programs for all ages shape attitudes and build practices that are sustainable and spiritually-grounded.
- Sustainable Living: We treat the world more gently by using fewer resources and being mindful of the choices we make, both as a congregation and as households.
Looking to the future, we would like to do more networking with other groups that work on environmental issues.
While looking to the future, we also continue with many projects that were part of our accreditation process. We continue to have worship services built around environmental themes. We continue our community garden, sharing produce with local feeding programs. We publicize the local Clean Your Streams event each year, encouraging church members to participate. Religious Education at the adult and youth level incorporates environmental themes each year. We continue to add native plants to our grounds.
Ideas from the congregation for new projects and additional ways to become better stewards of our environment are always welcome. Green Sanctuary is now part of the Social Justice Committee, our meetings are always open and welcome to new members.
Our Environmental Policies
These policies are intended to guide First Unitarian Church as we expand our awareness and implement practices that lessen our negative impact on the environment. The policies do not assume that we require the purchase or use of services or products that do not perform adequately or are not available at a reasonable price and in a reasonable time frame. They should be reviewed periodically by the Social Justice Committee, or another committee so charged by the Board to specifically look at compliance, and to suggest revisions.
We aim to:
- Continually educate our members about best practices.
- Reduce the use of nonrenewable energy resources;
- Increase the use of recycled products,supporting recycling markets;
- Strengthen our commitment to reduce, reuse and recycle, and so reduce our contribution to landfills;
- Make environmental considerations an integral part of purchasing decisions in all aspects of church life;
- Conserve water;
- Reduce the use of toxic substances and increase the use of biodegradable products;
- Practice safe disposal, particularly of items that are toxic, carcinogenic, flammable, or will not break down in the environment (paint, cleaning chemicals, batteries, electronic equipment etc.).
As responsible stewards of our environment, we will reduce the use of non-renewable energy sources. We will:
- Keep windows closed when the HVAC system is running, opening windows when weather permits;
- Choose Energy Star equipment and appliances when replacements are needed;
- Recycle batteries and use rechargeable batteries;
- Choose energy efficient window treatments;
- Thermostats are individual-day programmable;
- Where appropriate use motion sensor lights; and
- Provide a bicycle rack for the convenience of those who choose to bike to church.
Cleaning and Maintenance
Cleaning products often contain surfactants, detergents,antibacterial chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that are toxic or hazardous, carcinogenic, flammable and/or not biodegradable. These substances can be hazardous to the workers using them as well as to people with chemical sensitivities who use the building. In addition to affecting the quality of our indoor air, many of these are poured down drains every year,polluting water supplies and soil. Our goal is to:
- Look for Certified Green Seal products or those recommended by other green certifying programs.
- (For example see http://www.greenseal.org/Home.aspx or http://www.responsiblepurchasing.org/purchasing_guides/cleaners/products/?show=records&table=cleaners)
- When cleaning or disinfecting products containing toxic substances must be used, use the minimum effective amount and dispose of containers and remainders properly;
- Purchase janitorial paper products that are recycled and contain a high Post-consumer Waste (PCW) content;
- Choose low-VOC or zero-VOC content paints; and
- Purchase trash bags made from recycled plastic content.
Landscaping and Grounds
As we make plans for use of our grounds, we can be sensitive to the environment if we:
- Avoid the use of chemicals and pesticides on lawn and garden areas;
- Compost yard and kitchen waste to make natural fertilizer for the garden, and use only organic fertilizers;
- Consider planting native plants, which require less water and encourage native pollinators;
- Continue to develop our organic community garden; and
- Implement Integrated Pest Management (IPM)strategies that emphasize control of pests and their damage through preventive practices, mechanical and biological controls, and pest-resistant planting. Use herbicides and pesticides only as a last resort and with the least amount necessary.
We will reduce the amount of paper that we use. By buying paper with recycled content, processed chlorine free, we can make a real environmental difference. Production of recycled paper uses less water, less energy and produces less air and water pollution than paper made from raw materials. Our goal is to:
- Print and copy double-sided unless there is a significant reason not to.
- Continue to rely primarily on email for church communications, reducing the use of paper mailings, and using post cards when feasible.
Kitchen and Food Service
Much of our church social life revolves around sharing food together, so we can minimize harm to the environment if we:
- Reduce the use of packaging that must be land-filled by buying in bulk, avoiding individual packets such as sugar and creamer, and storing food in reusable containers;
- Use reusable spoons for coffee and tea rather than plastic stirrers;
- Avoid Styrofoam products, and ask outside groups that use our church to avoid using Styrofoam in our building;
- Increase the recycled content of paper products;
- Increase the number of totally vegetarian meals served, offering vegetarian options at all meals; and
- Use non-disposable items as much as possible, with the goal of using our commercial dishwasher so that we can use our ceramic dishes. We need more kitchen volunteers to fully implement this;
- Recycle at all events, including collecting & dropping off compostable items at the city industrial composting sites.
As a congregation we will reduce our use of fossil fuels andemissions if we carpool, bike, walk or take the bus to church. We will:
- Provide Zip Code information to help connect members who would like to carpool; and
Waste Disposal
Our goal is to reduce our contributions to the landfill. We will:
- Support a comprehensive recycling program for paper, cardboard, glass, metals, plastic, Styrofoam, and household batteries with bins in all appropriate areas of the church.
- Recycle compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL’s);
- Recycle packing peanuts at shipping stores;
- Safely dispose of cleaning products, paint, fuels and oils, drain cleaners, antifreeze, and other toxins – not placing them in the trash; and
- Recycle printer and toner cartridges and other office consumables, and investigate buying re-manufactured or recycled ink and toner cartridges.
- Encourage and support environmentally themed RE classes for adults and children;
- Collaborate with other organizations to further green awareness
Green Tips
To locate a recycling place near you, go toearth911.com, enter the item you would like to recycle and your location. It’s a good idea to call the place and confirm that they are still taking the item, since things can change quickly in recycling. There is also a list at this site of items curbside pick-up recycling accepts, by community.
Place in receptacle in the lobby of Maumee Police Dept, 109 E. Dudley, 24 hours a day.
When the national wildlife federation introduced sacred grounds certification in our area, we followed their guidelines and applied for that additional certification as a logical next step to our Green Sanctuary certification.
As part of that process, we let them know that we provide food and water sources for wildlife as well as areas for cover and shelter, and that we practice sustainable gardening practices.
Creating our rain garden was part of our application, providing more wildlife habitat and native plants for pollinators as well as helping control flooding from run off of our parking lot. We collect rainwater in our rain barrels for garden use and use mulch to retain soil moisture. We added birdbaths and more native trees to the landscape. We provided church programs to educate the congregation about our actions and about this certification. Members of the congregation participated in creating our rain garden and in planting native plants. We participated in creating our sacred grounds garden tour along with 6 other sites in July of 2019, and hosted a workshop at our church in 2020, helping educate and spread the word of the value of native plants, rain gardens and support of wildlife.
We received certifications as a Sacred Grounds congregation in 2019.