What We Offer Through the Lifespan
“This is the church of the open mind. This is the church of the helping hand. This is the church of the loving heart.”
Parents and caregivers come to First Unitarian Church of Toledo to find a community that teaches children to be kind, respectful, fair-minded and caring, and strong enough to side with love and fight for justice. A Unitarian Universalist religious education reinforces the values that families teach at home. We nurture truth-seeking, spirituality, and progressive action that will continue to shape and support our children as they grow.
Our church practices radical love. We support the rights of, and joyfully celebrate, our LGBTQ+ community. We affirm and promote bodily autonomy, the scientific process, rational thinking and caring for our earth. All are welcome here. These are the values that we share with our children as we support their spiritual growth.
Our religious educator and minister lead many of our congregations’ lifespan programs. Parents and other members of the congregation often lead them, too. Teaching can be a very fulfilling way to deepen one’s own faith.
We invite you to explore these pages and contact our religious educator, Gini Gottman, at dll@uutoledo.org to get connected.